Geometric patterns found in architecture create the most striking images. Sharp angles and strong lines provide stark contrasts of light and shade that allow you to create abstract images. A visual flow or rhythm adds dimension to the picture. I love old and modern architecture- incorporating these into my pictures is my passion.

The beautiful and simple structure of this bridge and the kayakers inspired me to take this picture. The angle of the shot and the lighting capture this perfectly.
Street view
The main point of interest is the add on the wall of the building. Secondary point of interest is the building itself.
Backyard Fence
To make use of the natural light you have to know when and why particular lighting conditions exist, and understand how to use them to your advantage when taking a picture.
Using low shutter speed made this picture silhouette, and the angle of the shot dramatizes the picture. Monochrome shots suppress finer details, while making the key subject pop.
Cool Building
Softer lighting dramatizes the finely textured surfaces, and diffused lighting dramatizes the effect of rough surfaces.